The information contained on this page (Classified Ads), though believed to be true and accurate is not guaranteed by the Condominium Association of Forest Lakes of Cocoa or the Webmaster. All transactions are to be conducted between the buyer and seller exclusively.
Your classified ad information can be submitted to the office using this form. Forest Lakes FSBO Listing of Home
or E-Mailing your ad to ( )
Your ad must contain the following:
- Contact information
- Description of sale Item/condition (Picture is optional)
- Price is suggested but is optional
- Ad will run up to 30 days (notify webmaster to have ad removed prior to 30 days.)
You can also click on Zillow’s website for other listings. Here is Zillow’s link.
Reminder: Forest Lakes of Cocoa Condominimum Association is a security locked community. Please contact a realtor or the owner to view properties for sale.